
The sun was out and warming the pool deck where we stood, watching the class of two would-be swimmers in their first lesson of Spring. Eager, Evie wore a cheeky smile, her new one-piece, and a bright pink fish swim cap. Onto the pool noodle, practicing kicking, then floating on her back, all the while chat chat chatting to her friendly instructor

Kid Two on the other hand was a mess. Still standing on the pool step, and clutching for dear life onto the handrail, Kid Two let out intermittent wails in between somewhat rhythmic sobbing. From the second Kid Two’s feet had touched the water, and for the duration of the lesson, Kid Two had decided she was having The Worst Day Ever. My guess was not so much an allergic reaction to water, but from the way she constantly scanned the poolside with her eyes, what contributed to her distress was the separation from her parents which the lesson necessitated.

I truly empathise with Kid Two. Because all of us have days, don’t we, where we have to do things that we’re not comfortable with, and are not prepared for, and the situation we’re in frankly makes us want to curl up into a catatonic ball.

Thank God that he is never far. Our heavenly Father has always got his eye on us; his Word and his Spirit are with us. He’s promised not to put us in situations beyond what we can bear, and in every place, what he commands of us, he also supplies us the grace to fulfil. God grant us the wisdom to trust him this week, and to obey, even when we’re afraid.